4 Tips For Getting Better Audio on Your Smartphone

Whatever the make of your smartphone, the audio or sound setting is usually moderate. That is, it is not too high nor is it too low. However, when the sound emanating from your smartphone is lower than normal, there must be something wrong. WassupTv discuss ways to improve the audio quality of your smartphone.

Check your music app settings

For every phone, there is an app that plays music. You should check the app’s settings and make necessary adjustments. Have it in mind that the audio won’t go beyond that of the manufacturer’s setting

Buy a dedicated accessory

This is another way to boost the sound of your smartphone. You can buy a dedicated accessory like a headphone. With this, you don’t have to always rely on the sound of your phone. The caution here is that you should not tune it too high. This can be dangerous.

Install an equalizer app

Not all music app come with an equalizer. An equalizer is usually used to boost the sound on your smartphone. You can download one as there are so many online. Alternatively, you can get a music player with an equalizer.

Update your phone

Updates to apps are usually made intermittently. So, your smartphone audio quality may be poor because you have not updated your apps. Try and update your music player to the latest version. There is a very high possibility that your audio quality will significantly improve.

10 Things You Do That Damage Your Hair

There are plenty ways you can harm your precious strands of hair without even knowing, WassupTv  shares 10 of these ways.

Packing Your Hair Too Tightly

Especially for females, anything too tight, particularly when done with rough elastic, can be damaging to your hair because they pull at your scalp and irritate your strands eventually causing hair breakage and damage to your roots. When packing your hair, gently pull it back with bobby pins, claws or elastic covered in fabric rather than packing too tightly.

Not Cleaning Your Styling Tools

If you fail to clean out those hairy brushes and combs, they become breeding grounds for germs and old residue. These germs and residue can irritate your scalp and clog the pores on your head. You should therefore remove hair from your brushes and combs after each styling session, and once a month clean them with a little baking soda and water to remove the oil and products that get stuck in its bristles.

Infusing Your Hair with Too Much Chemicals

Too many artificial chemicals are bad for your hair. They can cause breakage and damage to your hair, especially when done often. Try to keep chemical processes on your hair to a minimum and avoid using them often.

Heat Styling Too Often With High Heat

Excess heat strips the hair of its natural moisture, causing your hair cuticles to dry and snap off. Over time, your hair starts to look dull and starts to suffer permanent damage. To remedy this, avoid heat styling your hair at very high temperatures – don’t turn the heat all the way up. Also, try to heat style occasionally, rather than doing so on a daily basis, and avoid heat styling wet hair because wet hair is more fragile.


This weakens your hair, leaving it dull and damaged over time, your hair then starts to look brittle and dry rather than luxurious and shiny. If you cannot do without perms, avoid doing it often, only do it once awhile.

Highlights and Colouring

Over time, these change the inner structure of your hair making it look lackluster and dry, especially if they are done frequently to hide root colour or grey hair. The easy solution will be to avoid doing this often.

Excessive Brushing

Excessive brushing can cause split-ends and hair breakage because excessive brushing causes too much consistent friction for the hair to handle. Low quality brushes just make matters worse because they cause snags and tangles worsening split ends and hair breakage.


Braiding especially when done too tightly, or on wet hair, can cause the hair to break and pull out the hair. If it is done too often, permanent hair damage can occur.

Over-Shampooing and Vigorous Hair Washing

Over-washing washes away your hair’s natural moisture making your hair dry. You can actually tell you’re over-washing your hair when it starts to look dull. This means it’s time to scale back on the washing. Also, avoid being too vigorous when washing your hair to avoid damaging your hair cuticle.

Extensions and Weaves

The effect of extensions and weaves on your hair is much like braids. They pull at the scalp eventually causing damage to the roots. The discomfort you feel on your scalp indicates their pressure on your roots. Over time, they leave the hair broken and brittle. To temper its effect, you can avoid wearing extensions and weaves for a long time. You can also make use of wigs – they make life so much easier.

8 Effective Ways to Avoid Breast Sagging

Eventually, at some point in a woman’s life, no matter how hard she tries to avoid it, her breasts will sag. However, there are a number of things a woman can do to avoid early breast sagging and maintain her youthful appearance for as long as possible, WassupTv shares 8 ways to avoid breast sagging.

Wear a Supportive Bra that’s Your Size

Getting a supportive fitted bra that is your size will help to give your breasts the support they need. It will also help your breast to resist gravity and reduce bouncing when you walk. This will help reduce strains on the skin and ligaments of your breasts and prevent them from stretching out.


The best way to keep your body young and fit is by engaging in regular physical activity. One of such activities is exercise. As a woman, exercise helps to emphasize the perkiness of your breast. Be sure to wear a well-fitted sport bra during exercise to hold your breast in place, reduce bouncing and prevent the stretching of the skin and ligaments of your breast.

Avoid Smoking

The chemicals in cigarettes harm the collagen and elastin in your skin making it weaker and less stretchy, which causes wrinkling of the skin and sagging of the breast. Once the skin of your breasts loses elasticity, your breasts will sag, even if you are young. You should be mindful of this and avoid smoking.


Moisturize your breasts daily and gently massage in a circular motion from upside down and vice versa, to keep the skin supple and help your breast retain their elasticity. Massaging your breasts helps to increase circulation in the tissues, which helps to increase the elasticity of the breasts.

Eat Proteins

Eating proteins is the best way to heal damages to the skin, connective tissues and muscles. Your body uses proteins to heal these damages, which in turns helps strengthen your breasts to resist gravity and remain perky. Protein rich foods include meat, milk, beans, nuts etc.

Eat Complex Carbohydrates

This particularly applies to you if you exercise regularly. Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest and provide energy for a longer time than simple sugars. This energy they provide is vital for exercise (so you don’t collapse from exhaustion during exercise). Good sources of complex carbohydrates are beans, corn, potatoes, lentils, green peas, whole-grain breads etc.

Avoid Weight Fluctuations

Try to maintain a stable weight as much as you can. Avoid yo-yo dieting, avoid rapidly gaining and losing weight, and avoid becoming overweight. This is because weight fluctuations tend to stretch out the skin of your breast causing it to sag over time.

Breast-feeding Will Not Make Your Breasts Sag

Please drop the unnecessary fear of breast-feeding causing your breasts to sag (if you have this fear). Your breasts sag as they get larger and heavier during pregnancy because this process stretches the ligaments of the breast. Regardless of whether you breastfeed or not, over time your breast will still sag. Breast-feeding will not make it worse

6 Guaranteed Ways To Deal With Snoring

Snoring can be very irritating sometimes. Imagine when sleeping and a weird noise is sounding from a hotel room. It is so loud that you think it is a bomb and this happens whenever the person sleeps. Unfortunately, when you tell your friend or your partner that they are snoring, they will vehemently deny it. I don’t snore, they will say. But how will you know if you snore except someone tells you? Anyway, when next you snore, your friend can just record it for you to believe. This said if you are a habitual snorer, and your friends have told you several times about it, WassupTv shares simple ways to deal with snoring.

Clear your nostrils

If your nostrils or nasal passages are blocked, it is 90% definite that you are going to snore. You should always clear your nostrils if it is blocked before you sleep.

Sleep on your side

Sleeping on your back will make you snore. When you recline on your back, it will force the base of your tongue and soft palate to crash to the back wall of your throat, causing you to snore during sleep. Sleeping on your side will prevent this.

Stay hydrated

The more you are dehydrated, the more susceptible you are to snoring. So, drink several cups of water daily to chase snoring away.

Lose weight

Both slim and chubby individuals snore. But over time, studies have shown that if you are overweight, your neck will gather too much tissue which can affect your breathing. So, shed some weight to deal with snoring.

Use an anti-snoring mouthpiece or guard

If you snore, then you should buy anti-snoring guard to prevent snoring whenever you sleep. However, know that using this guard doesn’t necessarily mean that you do not snore. You should use the anti-snoring guard when you want to sleep and on a doctor’s recommendation.

Avoid bedtime alcohol and smoking

Drinking alcohol or smoking few hours before you sleep is a recipe for snoring because it won’t allow you muscles to relax. You will be surprised that even people who do not snore will, after drinking alcohol or smoking.

7 Gadget-saving Rules For Repairing Your Faulty Device at Computer Village

There is no doubt that computer village in Ikeja Lagos is one of the best places to take your damaged or faulty device for repairs. However, there are so many shenanigans that happen there that if you are not careful your gadget will be further damaged or it will never return home with you. Some people have had bitter experiences. You do not have to go through this just because you want to repair your computer, phone or camera. WassupTv shares tips that will ensure that you return home with your gadget fully repaired.

Get a trusted and experienced engineer
Do not go to computer village and give your MacBook or iPhone to a random engineer. You don’t know if he is trustworthy or experienced. You should talk to your friends so that they can recommend a very reliable engineer for you.
Never leave your device with the repairer
This is one mistake some people make when they take their device to computer village. They leave it with the repairer for two or three days. When they return, the engineer may have replaced nearly everything in your device with fakes. Fine, it will work, but when you get home, you will realise that your device will just collapse. The engineer is not at fault because both of you tested it and it worked.
Squeeze out a repair Guarantee from him
Yes, you should squeeze a guarantee out of him after he has repaired your device. This will serve as a cushion in case the same fault develops again. Any engineer who is confident about his job will give you two or three days guarantee. Others may even give you a week.
Don’t hesitate to take your device if he is not straightforward
If you really want to return home with the device you took to computer village, do not allow the engineer to sweet-talk you especially when you know he is not straightforward. Just take your device and look for another repairer. It is better because you may be told cock and bull story when it is time to collect your device.
Shun touts
The best way to lose your phone or device is patronising touts. They are all over the place. As you saunter into the computer village, they beckon on you asking do you want to buy, sell or repair? Please shun them. Do not patronise them. Go to a proper repair shop where you get a receipt for repairs. Although it may be expensive, you are assured that your device will not be stuck.
Don’t do third party repair
What is third party repair? This is when you give your device to an engineer who passes it to another engineer that is unknown to you. When there is any situation, you disturb your own engineer who in turn talk to whoever he gave your device. Between the two of them, you may never get your device back and even if you get it, it may not be fully functional.
When there is any back and forth, go with a soldier
This should be the last resort. When you have done everything humanly possible to get back your device and it has proved abortive. The next thing you should do is to visit your engineer with two stern looking soldiers. Leave everything to them. Your device will come out within 5 minutes. And if it means he will buy a new device he has to.

6 Valuable Tips For Networking

Networking becomes significantly easier when you understand what it entails and what it takes to succeed at it. WassupTv  shares 6 valuable tips for networking.

Begin Networking Before You Need It
Desperation has an aura that can easily be discerned, as a result it might be counter-productive to begin zealous networking efforts at the hour of your greatest need. You can end up putting people off because people can sense when someone is only out to use them and help himself/herself. Networking when you aren’t desperate and have no immediate ulterior motives, can help you build better relationships and a good reputation for being friendly and generous rather than desperate and self-serving.

Plan Before Hand
This is a very important tip, especially if networking isn’t exactly your strong suite. Laying down clear details of the talents, strengths, skill sets and connections that you have and can take advantage of to enhance your networking efforts can make networking much easier for you. You should be sure of the things you can talk about with people at the event, and prepare for a case where you might be taken by surprise and have to comment on things you might not initially have prepared for. In addition, consider how you can also be of help to these people, don’t only consider how you can get them to help you.

Avoid Arriving Late
When you arrive early to a networking event, it’s calmer and quieter at the beginning. People have not yet settled into groups so it’s easier to mingle with everyone and find conversation partners.

Let Your Personal Agenda Take a Back Seat
The fact that you are networking for self-serving purposes doesn’t mean you should be blatant about it. Let your personal agenda take a back seat to building actual relationships with people. Be open, friendly and honest; make connections with people that will make it easier for them to remember you and want to help you, without you even asking directly.

Follow Up
If you promise to do something for someone at a networking event, do it. Follow up and follow through with it. People will value you for this and you’ll unknowingly begin to build a reputation for consistency and reliability. So, if you told someone you’ll call, call the person. If you promised to introduce someone to the person, take the time to do it.

Understand the Value of Networking
The true value of networking comes in being able to help others as much as you want to be helped. If you understand this and practise it well, networking will become a more than valuable business tool for you. Keep this at the back of your mind every time you make a networking effort.


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