4 Tips For Getting Better Audio on Your Smartphone

Whatever the make of your smartphone, the audio or sound setting is usually moderate. That is, it is not too high nor is it too low. However, when the sound emanating from your smartphone is lower than normal, there must be something wrong. WassupTv discuss ways to improve the audio quality of your smartphone.

Check your music app settings

For every phone, there is an app that plays music. You should check the app’s settings and make necessary adjustments. Have it in mind that the audio won’t go beyond that of the manufacturer’s setting

Buy a dedicated accessory

This is another way to boost the sound of your smartphone. You can buy a dedicated accessory like a headphone. With this, you don’t have to always rely on the sound of your phone. The caution here is that you should not tune it too high. This can be dangerous.

Install an equalizer app

Not all music app come with an equalizer. An equalizer is usually used to boost the sound on your smartphone. You can download one as there are so many online. Alternatively, you can get a music player with an equalizer.

Update your phone

Updates to apps are usually made intermittently. So, your smartphone audio quality may be poor because you have not updated your apps. Try and update your music player to the latest version. There is a very high possibility that your audio quality will significantly improve.

10 Things You Do That Damage Your Hair

There are plenty ways you can harm your precious strands of hair without even knowing, WassupTv  shares 10 of these ways.

Packing Your Hair Too Tightly

Especially for females, anything too tight, particularly when done with rough elastic, can be damaging to your hair because they pull at your scalp and irritate your strands eventually causing hair breakage and damage to your roots. When packing your hair, gently pull it back with bobby pins, claws or elastic covered in fabric rather than packing too tightly.

Not Cleaning Your Styling Tools

If you fail to clean out those hairy brushes and combs, they become breeding grounds for germs and old residue. These germs and residue can irritate your scalp and clog the pores on your head. You should therefore remove hair from your brushes and combs after each styling session, and once a month clean them with a little baking soda and water to remove the oil and products that get stuck in its bristles.

Infusing Your Hair with Too Much Chemicals

Too many artificial chemicals are bad for your hair. They can cause breakage and damage to your hair, especially when done often. Try to keep chemical processes on your hair to a minimum and avoid using them often.

Heat Styling Too Often With High Heat

Excess heat strips the hair of its natural moisture, causing your hair cuticles to dry and snap off. Over time, your hair starts to look dull and starts to suffer permanent damage. To remedy this, avoid heat styling your hair at very high temperatures – don’t turn the heat all the way up. Also, try to heat style occasionally, rather than doing so on a daily basis, and avoid heat styling wet hair because wet hair is more fragile.


This weakens your hair, leaving it dull and damaged over time, your hair then starts to look brittle and dry rather than luxurious and shiny. If you cannot do without perms, avoid doing it often, only do it once awhile.

Highlights and Colouring

Over time, these change the inner structure of your hair making it look lackluster and dry, especially if they are done frequently to hide root colour or grey hair. The easy solution will be to avoid doing this often.

Excessive Brushing

Excessive brushing can cause split-ends and hair breakage because excessive brushing causes too much consistent friction for the hair to handle. Low quality brushes just make matters worse because they cause snags and tangles worsening split ends and hair breakage.


Braiding especially when done too tightly, or on wet hair, can cause the hair to break and pull out the hair. If it is done too often, permanent hair damage can occur.

Over-Shampooing and Vigorous Hair Washing

Over-washing washes away your hair’s natural moisture making your hair dry. You can actually tell you’re over-washing your hair when it starts to look dull. This means it’s time to scale back on the washing. Also, avoid being too vigorous when washing your hair to avoid damaging your hair cuticle.

Extensions and Weaves

The effect of extensions and weaves on your hair is much like braids. They pull at the scalp eventually causing damage to the roots. The discomfort you feel on your scalp indicates their pressure on your roots. Over time, they leave the hair broken and brittle. To temper its effect, you can avoid wearing extensions and weaves for a long time. You can also make use of wigs – they make life so much easier.

8 Effective Ways to Avoid Breast Sagging

Eventually, at some point in a woman’s life, no matter how hard she tries to avoid it, her breasts will sag. However, there are a number of things a woman can do to avoid early breast sagging and maintain her youthful appearance for as long as possible, WassupTv shares 8 ways to avoid breast sagging.

Wear a Supportive Bra that’s Your Size

Getting a supportive fitted bra that is your size will help to give your breasts the support they need. It will also help your breast to resist gravity and reduce bouncing when you walk. This will help reduce strains on the skin and ligaments of your breasts and prevent them from stretching out.


The best way to keep your body young and fit is by engaging in regular physical activity. One of such activities is exercise. As a woman, exercise helps to emphasize the perkiness of your breast. Be sure to wear a well-fitted sport bra during exercise to hold your breast in place, reduce bouncing and prevent the stretching of the skin and ligaments of your breast.

Avoid Smoking

The chemicals in cigarettes harm the collagen and elastin in your skin making it weaker and less stretchy, which causes wrinkling of the skin and sagging of the breast. Once the skin of your breasts loses elasticity, your breasts will sag, even if you are young. You should be mindful of this and avoid smoking.


Moisturize your breasts daily and gently massage in a circular motion from upside down and vice versa, to keep the skin supple and help your breast retain their elasticity. Massaging your breasts helps to increase circulation in the tissues, which helps to increase the elasticity of the breasts.

Eat Proteins

Eating proteins is the best way to heal damages to the skin, connective tissues and muscles. Your body uses proteins to heal these damages, which in turns helps strengthen your breasts to resist gravity and remain perky. Protein rich foods include meat, milk, beans, nuts etc.

Eat Complex Carbohydrates

This particularly applies to you if you exercise regularly. Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest and provide energy for a longer time than simple sugars. This energy they provide is vital for exercise (so you don’t collapse from exhaustion during exercise). Good sources of complex carbohydrates are beans, corn, potatoes, lentils, green peas, whole-grain breads etc.

Avoid Weight Fluctuations

Try to maintain a stable weight as much as you can. Avoid yo-yo dieting, avoid rapidly gaining and losing weight, and avoid becoming overweight. This is because weight fluctuations tend to stretch out the skin of your breast causing it to sag over time.

Breast-feeding Will Not Make Your Breasts Sag

Please drop the unnecessary fear of breast-feeding causing your breasts to sag (if you have this fear). Your breasts sag as they get larger and heavier during pregnancy because this process stretches the ligaments of the breast. Regardless of whether you breastfeed or not, over time your breast will still sag. Breast-feeding will not make it worse

6 Guaranteed Ways To Deal With Snoring

Snoring can be very irritating sometimes. Imagine when sleeping and a weird noise is sounding from a hotel room. It is so loud that you think it is a bomb and this happens whenever the person sleeps. Unfortunately, when you tell your friend or your partner that they are snoring, they will vehemently deny it. I don’t snore, they will say. But how will you know if you snore except someone tells you? Anyway, when next you snore, your friend can just record it for you to believe. This said if you are a habitual snorer, and your friends have told you several times about it, WassupTv shares simple ways to deal with snoring.

Clear your nostrils

If your nostrils or nasal passages are blocked, it is 90% definite that you are going to snore. You should always clear your nostrils if it is blocked before you sleep.

Sleep on your side

Sleeping on your back will make you snore. When you recline on your back, it will force the base of your tongue and soft palate to crash to the back wall of your throat, causing you to snore during sleep. Sleeping on your side will prevent this.

Stay hydrated

The more you are dehydrated, the more susceptible you are to snoring. So, drink several cups of water daily to chase snoring away.

Lose weight

Both slim and chubby individuals snore. But over time, studies have shown that if you are overweight, your neck will gather too much tissue which can affect your breathing. So, shed some weight to deal with snoring.

Use an anti-snoring mouthpiece or guard

If you snore, then you should buy anti-snoring guard to prevent snoring whenever you sleep. However, know that using this guard doesn’t necessarily mean that you do not snore. You should use the anti-snoring guard when you want to sleep and on a doctor’s recommendation.

Avoid bedtime alcohol and smoking

Drinking alcohol or smoking few hours before you sleep is a recipe for snoring because it won’t allow you muscles to relax. You will be surprised that even people who do not snore will, after drinking alcohol or smoking.

7 Gadget-saving Rules For Repairing Your Faulty Device at Computer Village

There is no doubt that computer village in Ikeja Lagos is one of the best places to take your damaged or faulty device for repairs. However, there are so many shenanigans that happen there that if you are not careful your gadget will be further damaged or it will never return home with you. Some people have had bitter experiences. You do not have to go through this just because you want to repair your computer, phone or camera. WassupTv shares tips that will ensure that you return home with your gadget fully repaired.

Get a trusted and experienced engineer
Do not go to computer village and give your MacBook or iPhone to a random engineer. You don’t know if he is trustworthy or experienced. You should talk to your friends so that they can recommend a very reliable engineer for you.
Never leave your device with the repairer
This is one mistake some people make when they take their device to computer village. They leave it with the repairer for two or three days. When they return, the engineer may have replaced nearly everything in your device with fakes. Fine, it will work, but when you get home, you will realise that your device will just collapse. The engineer is not at fault because both of you tested it and it worked.
Squeeze out a repair Guarantee from him
Yes, you should squeeze a guarantee out of him after he has repaired your device. This will serve as a cushion in case the same fault develops again. Any engineer who is confident about his job will give you two or three days guarantee. Others may even give you a week.
Don’t hesitate to take your device if he is not straightforward
If you really want to return home with the device you took to computer village, do not allow the engineer to sweet-talk you especially when you know he is not straightforward. Just take your device and look for another repairer. It is better because you may be told cock and bull story when it is time to collect your device.
Shun touts
The best way to lose your phone or device is patronising touts. They are all over the place. As you saunter into the computer village, they beckon on you asking do you want to buy, sell or repair? Please shun them. Do not patronise them. Go to a proper repair shop where you get a receipt for repairs. Although it may be expensive, you are assured that your device will not be stuck.
Don’t do third party repair
What is third party repair? This is when you give your device to an engineer who passes it to another engineer that is unknown to you. When there is any situation, you disturb your own engineer who in turn talk to whoever he gave your device. Between the two of them, you may never get your device back and even if you get it, it may not be fully functional.
When there is any back and forth, go with a soldier
This should be the last resort. When you have done everything humanly possible to get back your device and it has proved abortive. The next thing you should do is to visit your engineer with two stern looking soldiers. Leave everything to them. Your device will come out within 5 minutes. And if it means he will buy a new device he has to.

6 Valuable Tips For Networking

Networking becomes significantly easier when you understand what it entails and what it takes to succeed at it. WassupTv  shares 6 valuable tips for networking.

Begin Networking Before You Need It
Desperation has an aura that can easily be discerned, as a result it might be counter-productive to begin zealous networking efforts at the hour of your greatest need. You can end up putting people off because people can sense when someone is only out to use them and help himself/herself. Networking when you aren’t desperate and have no immediate ulterior motives, can help you build better relationships and a good reputation for being friendly and generous rather than desperate and self-serving.

Plan Before Hand
This is a very important tip, especially if networking isn’t exactly your strong suite. Laying down clear details of the talents, strengths, skill sets and connections that you have and can take advantage of to enhance your networking efforts can make networking much easier for you. You should be sure of the things you can talk about with people at the event, and prepare for a case where you might be taken by surprise and have to comment on things you might not initially have prepared for. In addition, consider how you can also be of help to these people, don’t only consider how you can get them to help you.

Avoid Arriving Late
When you arrive early to a networking event, it’s calmer and quieter at the beginning. People have not yet settled into groups so it’s easier to mingle with everyone and find conversation partners.

Let Your Personal Agenda Take a Back Seat
The fact that you are networking for self-serving purposes doesn’t mean you should be blatant about it. Let your personal agenda take a back seat to building actual relationships with people. Be open, friendly and honest; make connections with people that will make it easier for them to remember you and want to help you, without you even asking directly.

Follow Up
If you promise to do something for someone at a networking event, do it. Follow up and follow through with it. People will value you for this and you’ll unknowingly begin to build a reputation for consistency and reliability. So, if you told someone you’ll call, call the person. If you promised to introduce someone to the person, take the time to do it.

Understand the Value of Networking
The true value of networking comes in being able to help others as much as you want to be helped. If you understand this and practise it well, networking will become a more than valuable business tool for you. Keep this at the back of your mind every time you make a networking effort.

7 Tips For A Better Social Media Live Broadcast

Live broadcasts are fast becoming very popular today. You no longer have to rely on a camera crew to go live. Thanks to social media, any organisation, business or individual can do this. From your smartphone or computer, you can broadcast live from the comfort of your home, event centre or office. Your broadcast can potentially and instantly reach thousands of people or a targeted audience. This is quite amazing! However, how can you ensure that your social media live broadcast go smoothly without any hiccups? Well, WassupTv shares ways you can do this.

Promote your broadcast
Promoting or advertising your live broadcast on social media cost 10 dollars. Since you do not have to break the bank to pay this amount, you can promote your live broadcast on whatever platform you want to utilize. This will make more people aware of your broadcast. If you are a celebrity, a tweet or post will suffice.
Prepare and practice
Before you go live, you have to plan, prepare and practice. You need to ensure that viewers are able to hear you clearly.
Determine how long you want to broadcast
You need to decide if you want to broadcast the whole programme or just some highlights. It is important to know this because you do not want to end the broadcast at the middle and leave your viewers hanging. Let your audience know if it will be a full or short broadcast.
Choose a spot that has a strong internet
No internet, no live broadcast. So, ensure that you look for a strong internet spot that will be uninterrupted. WassupTv urges you to have enough data that will last throughout the broadcast.
Do a test run video
Before you go Live for the first time, do a test live broadcast. For Facebook, you can set the privacy setting to Only Me in the Who Should See This? You will see the live video exactly as it will appear.
Get live feedback
If you want your viewers to provide feedback and ask you questions during the broadcast, you have to set this up on certain social media platforms. Their feedback, comments, and questions will appear on the screen. Do not ignore their questions.
Analyse the Results
You can easily get the metrics of your live broadcast immediately you finish. You will see the total number of people who watched your video. You can use this to decide if you want to continue with the live broadcast in your next programme or not.

Five Entrepreneurial Lessons From Small Doctor

Whenever trashy and noisy music in Nigeria is been mentioned, Small Doctor ranks number one  Any contest?
Small Doctor is your eccentric-like artiste, the exact copy of a child lost in the streets.  Small doctor has grew over the years to become one of Nigeria’s Popular artistes with his street-hop genre.
However, Small Doctor has taken advantage of this to propel himself to prominence. His music has put him on the spotlight. However, entrepreneurs can take advantage of the Small Doctor’s model to grow their business.
Here are the 5 Entrepreneurial lesson you all need to learn from him.

See below:-
Ask yourself, What aspect will your goods/services be useful for? Small Doctor is someone who the high-class hates for his trashy and noisy music. But the streets loves pangolo music, gbedu wey dey burst brain.
You can’t expect the streets to listen to Adele-like music, it’s not possible. The music has to appeal to them.
Small Doctor was able to introduce some urban street-hop into the existing “Pangolo street music“. Not like all the regular “pon pon sound” or “frog-voice laden songs“. Study your market, understand what they need and want, take advantage and monetize!
The next thing after discovery is to market your business. Just like a farmer does when he harvests his produce, its time to distribute goods and services to consumers.
Publicize your brand, your service, your business. Consumers want to know what exactly it entails. They want to know the benefits of purchasing from you. Small Doctor was able to get street rep from the people of the street, every hotel, bar, restaurants and “mama put joints” were vibing to the “Mosquito song“.
Small Doctor would have done some free shows, gave out free CDs, settled some DJs. Likewise for upcoming entrepreneurs, The beginning is always the hardest.
Advertise your services/ brand on social media. Buy friends and family over with some free stuffs. Chances are that you get referrals from close friends. Tap into the world of social media especially Facebook & Instagram where the level of interpersonal relationship is huge.
This is not about graphics design. It’s about the core values of your business. Your mission, what you stand for and represent.
As a fashion designer, it would be the ability to deliver service on time to clients. Small Doctor had a unique sound, The Hiann Hiann Hiann sound that serves as his intro at the beginning of all his songs. Hardly will you hear any Small Doctor song without that intro.
After a few years, Small Doctor felt the need to evolve and move from the rugged life to a new urban lifestyle yet still maintaining the modus operandi: still doing Pangolo music.
Mosquito killer penetrated fully into the industry and his song with Olamide coupled with his “Gbera” song grew to be street anthems. There would be a time in your business where you would need to acquire a few employees, employ a new strategy or add a chain of business. This is necessary as change is needed for growth.
People asked what’s next with small doctor after “Gbera”, but look, he’s got the whole streets vibing to “Penalty“. Likewise, set out a continuity plan, your vision for a new year and how you’re going to achieve them.
A continuity plan is needed so as not to run out of ideas when trying times occur.
Lastly, Don’t streamline your career to one aspect. Explore other aspects. Be multi-resourceful.
Written By ViewsFromTheBod

Efe Wins Big Brother Nigeria

Excitement filled the air Sunday night as Efe emerged winner of the Big Brother Nigeria reality TV show which rounded off in South Africa.

 Efe beat other finalists including Tboss, Debbie-Rise, Marvis and Bisola who came second to clinch the grand prize of N25 million and SUV automobile. The show kicked off with a show-stopping performance by 2face Idibia, who performed his new single titled “Holy Holy” and later his award winning , evergreen song, “Africa Queen.” The host, Ebuka went straight into the evictions after 2face’s performance and announced that Marvis should leave the house with Debbie-Rise and TBoss leaving thereafter. Tboss eviction was greeted with a lot of excitements among those who were against her in the house. But she ended up walking away with N500,000 ward-robes from the sponsors of the show, Payport, while One Campaign prize went to Bisola. The glamorous finale was a star-studded affair, also featuring performances by Tiwa Savage and Emmy Gee.

Yungtee - Cashout.mp3

Adegoke qudus olatunde is a graduate of federal polytechnic Ilaro graduate (ND) popularly known as
YUNGTEE "OMOMUSHIN" drops a jam for the street CASHOUT
CASHOUT is a danceable track which give every hustler hope that there is always a pay day.
Yungtee is another brand to watch out for in the music industry.
This track will set your playlist ablaze ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ. It is produced by ssonic.
Download and listen 

Phamos ft Ajanaku - No worries.mp3

Fast rising rapper PHAMOS ‘ Rap Made Money Crooner’ who is signed to Legal Gang Records drops his much anticipated monster hit single titled NO WORRIES featuring Ajanaku …The jam is produced by super talented producer ADEY.
Download and listen 
 ” Phamos Ft. Ajanaku – No Worries”
You gat no worries!!! 

Davido - Music star hospitalised

The music star is currently in the hospital where he has been placed on Intravenous fluid.
Davido has been hit with the blues.
The music star is currently in the hospital where he has been placed on Intravenous fluid.
He took to Snapchat today, march 28, 2017, to share a series of sick emojis.
The 'If ' crooner later shared a photo of himself on a bed with an IV.
On Mothers day, Sunday, March 26, 2017, Davido also gave Sophie a shout out and took her out for lunch along with Imade.
The trio were out like one big family, enjoying some quality time out. Sophie was seen feeding Imade while Davido carried her.
Just recently, Davido was professing love for one of his baby mamas. The singer took to Snapchat on March 14, 2017, writing, "I love my baby mama!! Haha Sophie we up!"
Meanwhile the singer was recently showing off a pregnant Amanda on Snapchat and has been going around spreading the news of another baby on the way » .
The HKN singer confirmed the happy news during a live Instagram interview with Gbemi Beat Fm on, Friday, March 10, 2017.

NFF backs Rohr over Eagles’ captaincy row

The Nigeria Football Federation has thrown its weight behind Manager of the Super Eagles, Gernot Rohr, over his decision to alter the team’s leadership last week. Rohr stunned the players in London last week when he announced that Ogenyi Onazi would lead the team against Senegal with Elderson Echiejile as his assistant. This was done in the presence of Ahmed Musa, an assistant to Mikel Obi.
The Leicester player was in camp for the friendly encounter against Senegal. The Manager also stated that Mikel remained the substantive skipper. In a reaction, the NFF’s Technical Director, Bitrus Bewarang, said the decision to pick who captains the Super Eagles in the Nations Cup and World Cup preparations and qualifica-tions rested with Rohr.
He said he could explain why Onazi was picked to lead the team in place of Musa who is the assistant captain, every coach had his preference. Bewarang said whoever captains the team was irrelevant as far as the goal of getting results was achieved. “It does not matter who leads the squad as far as there is no rancour or disunity in the team.
The most important thing is to get results,” he stated. It was learnt that the Super Eagles were already divided over this development as some of them viewed what happened to Musa was an embarrassment to the player.
Our correspondent also learnt that Musa requested to relinquish the band when he got wind of the impending changes Rohr was planning to make before the friendly. Musa did the same when he was named the captain after the exit of Vincent Enyeama who voluntarily retired from the national team.
He remained the captain until Coach Samson Siasia gave the band to Mikel who is the most senior player after Enyeama dumped the Eagles. Rohr, it was also scooped, was considering giving the substantive band to the most consistent, hardworking and reliable player in his quest for the Nations and World Cup tickets.

Olawaley - Aduke.mp3

Olawaley –Real names Oyewumi Olawale Omotola , from Aramoko in Ekiti state Born and raised in Ikeja, Lagos State In late the 90s.
Olawaley is a 200level under graduate of the Federal University of Agriculture,Abeokuta,Ogun State. His first single was ‘ Born Fighter’ produced in Ibadan by Dumas Did it. In 2011,
Olawaley is out with his official single titled
Aduke also produced by Dumas did it . Enjoy!!
Listen & Download ” Olawaley – Aduke” Below;

Funaab anthem.mp3 + Lyrics||WassupTV Media

Wassuptv Media 

1. We have a vision great and clear
For the masses far and near
A school of farming, science and skill
To feed the land we’ll till
Research, test and learning
For wisdom, we’re yearning
Chorus: FUNAAB, FUNAAB, glory of our day
Forward, upward, we shall ever stay
Beacons of our fatherland,to success we
will sail
labouring, toiling onward
we shall never fail
2. The nature’s secret we’ll find
As offering to mankind
We’re aiming at sound scholarship
And academic leadership
We’ve all needed potentials
And basic essentials
Chorus:FUNAAB, FUNAAB, glory of our day
Forward, upward, we shall ever stay
Beacons of our fatherland,to success we
will sail
labouring, toiling onward
we shall never fail.

"To Success we will sail labouring, toiling onward, we shall never fail".
Funaabites never give up, nothing can stop us.
Like, comment and share if you're proud to be a Funaabite. We are the best!!! We are Funaabites!!!

6 Alarming Signs You Are Definitely Not Fit

Your body is the place you live in. You have to take good care of it by being fit and keeping it in shape. However, quite a large chunk of people are not bothered about whether they are fit or not as far as they wake up in the morning and go wherever they want. The only time they are concerned about their body is when they are ill. This is not good. Being fit can ward off heart ailment and other cancerous diseases. But still, you make very minute effort to keep fit. In line with this, The following are signs that you are definitely not fit. It may be time to exercise.

It takes forever for your heart rate to slow
Your age determines how quick your heart rate will slow. For a young man, it shouldn’t take several minutes for his heart beat to relax. However, because you are out of shape, your heart’s still pounding for another five minutes. You are not fit.
Caffeine is the only thing that keeps you awake
You have so many things on your plate but you find it difficult to keep awake. Often times, it is the coffee that prevents you from sleeping so that you can perform. When you exercise more, you don’t need to take caffeine anymore to keep awake.

You cannot do pushups
This is perhaps one of the most obvious signs. It is a very reliable way to determine if you are fit or not. Unfortunately, many people fail this test. Some are even lucky if they go beyond 5 pushups. If this is the case, it may be time to hit the gym in any of your favourite hotels in Abuja.
You struggle to catch your breath
For example, when you climb the stairs or workout in the morning, and within few minutes you are panting and out of breath, it is a warning sign. You really need to start exercising to regain your fitness.
You are longing for sugar
Most times if you are fit, you would have little or no desire to take sugar because the exercise you engage in gives you natural energy. So, if you are always craving sugar, you should exercise more often.
You are always tired
Tiredness is relative. It doesn’t necessarily mean that whenever you are tired or fatigued, you are not fit. But if you are always or you complain of tiredness daily, there is every possibility that your fitness level is not up to scratch.

6 Amazing Apps To Make Your Love Life Stronger

Love is never easy to maintain. Despite this, you should make efforts to spice up your love life. There are so many ways to do this. Hurray, technology can help! There are now apps that can assist you to make your love life stronger and better. These apps are awesome ways to get both of you closer. These are some  of the apps that can help you improve your relationships. You can download the apps on either Android or iPhone. Thank us later! 

Romantic idea 500
Out of romantic ideas? Then you should download this app. It has 500 free romantic ideas to strengthen or boost your relationships.
You are really enjoying your love that you don’t want to ever forget. You can use Couple create a history of your love life. It should mainly feature all the beautiful moments you had together. You can also use the app for chatting and video calls.
At the beginning of your relationship, both of you do everything together. But as time went by, you begin to grow apart. But with Avocado, you can plan your activities together. You can share your schedule, grocery lists, time for movies and other things. This will ensure that both of you are on this page.
This app rewards with points for any romantic or thoughtful action you perform. The action may be taking your lover on vacation to dinner at one of the best hotels in Lagos, doing the dishes or nursing the baby. With these points, you can use it to get discounts on e-commerce websites like Best Buy and Amazon.
BetterHalf is like a pool where you get information about restaurants to take your partner and also movies to watch. The best thing here is that these cinemas and restaurant are just few kilometres away from you. When you select your preferred spot, the app suggests a convenient time for you to see the movie or restaurant.
The 5 love languages
With 5 love languages, you will be able to take a quiz to determine the love language of your partner. Discovering your partner’s love language, will breed understanding and reduce misunderstanding.

AMVCA 2017 - Full list of winners

The fifth edition of the prestigious Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (AMVCAs) held yesterday  Saturday, March 4, 2017, at Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island Lagos, the awards night was co-hosted by IK Osakioduwa and Minenhle ‘Minnie’ Dlamini.

Full List of Winners
Trailblazer Award
Somkele Idhalama
Best Make Up Artiste (Movies/TV series)
Oloibiri – Hakeem Onilogbo Ajibola, Perekeme Odon
Best Costume Designer
76 – Pat Egwurube
Best Art Director
76 – Pat Nebo
Best Sound Editor (Movies/TV series)
Best Picture Editor (Movie/TV series)
Oloibiri – Nnodim Chigozie, Paula Peterson
Best Lighthing Designer (Movies/TV series)
93 Days – Elliot Sewape
Best Cinematographer
Happiness is a Four Letter Word – Lance Gewer
Best Documentary
Best Short Film or Online Video
Cat Face
Best Actress in an M-Net original comedy series
Deborah Anugwa – Hustle
Best Actor in an M-Net comedy series
Samuel Ajibola – “The Johnsons”
Best Actress in an M-Net original drama series
Meg Otanwa – “Hush”
Best Actor in an M-Net original drama series
David Jones David – “Hotel Majestic”
Best M-Net original comedy series
The Johnsons
Best M-Net original drama series
Best Indigenous Language  TV series/movies (Swahili)
Best Indigenous Language  TV series/movies (Hausa)
Yaki Da Zuciya
Best Indigenous Language  TV series/movies (Yoruba)
Somwhere in The Dark – Abiodun Jimoh, Jumoke Odetola
Best Indigenous Language  TV series/movies (Igbo)
Best Soundtrack/ Original Score
The Encounter – Michael ‘The Truth’ Ogunlade
Best TV series
Jenifa’s Diary
Best Writer
Best Supporting Actress
Ebele Okaro – Four One Love
Best Supporting Actor In A Drama (Movie/TV series)
Rotimi Salami – Just Not Married
Best Actor in a Comedy
Imeh Umoh Bishop – The Boss is Mine
Best Movie East Africa
Kati Kati
Best Movie West Africa
Best Movie South Africa
All About Love
Best Actress in a Drama (Movies/TV Series)
Rita Dominic – 76
Best Actor in  a Drama
Sambasa Nzeribe – Slow Country
Best Overall Movie
Naomba Niseme
Best Director
76 – Izu Ojukwu

Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards 
Pearl - mad over you cover.  mp3

Pearl - mad over you cover. mp3

"Pearls"??...That Golden voice funaabite that made wave on Instagram some weeks back with her mad over you cover video ....
Here she is with the full mp3 of the track...trust me this is gonna melt your mind...a fussion of melodies and rhythms cooked up and produced by the wave making Artiste/Music Producer...Bravoor.
This is surely gon blow your mind
Download and listen to Mad Over You Cover by Pearls below
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Silver ft specimen - want you back.Mp3

One of Funaab’s Dopest Vocalists (from Funaabsu Idol season 1) Silver @seelvateria teams up with fellow Funaabite, the #EDOPEBOI , the rap star, *Specimen @specikinging* on this love song titled
This Song is dedicated to all lovers out there…
Mixed and Mastered by Bravoor, Produced by Davinchi.

Oba iyamo - DURO.Mp3

Oba Iyamo Is a student Of FUNAAB studying Animal nutrition. Hardship didn’t stop him from hustling and discovering his music prowess. His first official track is titled DURO
He poured out his emotions in a way he calls Juju HipHop.
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Specimen x Bernito x Hamyd Grey - KYL.mp3

Heat in form of barz ‼‼‼๐Ÿ”ž๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅAll the way from Funaab.
Vibes from the future ๐Ÿ”Š๐Ÿ”Š๐Ÿ”Š
Is what you get when๐Ÿ”น๐Ÿ”น
The 'all the best' crooner #BERNITO
The 'eDOPEboi' rapper #SPECIMEN
jump on a track.
Full of  BARS๐Ÿ’ฏ✅
Expect rhymes๐Ÿ’ฏ✅
Expect lines ๐Ÿ’ฏ✅
Download and Listen to Know Your Level below
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Gilo - New level.mp3

Oko Olosho’ crooner; Gilo is back with a new rap tune titled ‘New Level’.
The indigenous rap act displays his prowess in lyrical potency while throwing shades to rappers in the industry.
He has so many styles while remaining accessible and has a razor-sharp flow that never slips out of pocket.
Trust ‘Gilo’ is ready to tear apart a mic as he has excellently proved to be a threat to other rappers

Spiritzual - ESE.mp3

Spiritzual decided to complete his bars and drop an official single with that same beat(jonzing)
The *ojo aanu crooner* killed this one again and he call this one ESE which means THANK YOU to God hiz fans nd all lovers of good music.
Listen, Download and Share below:

Oberz- Champion.mp3

Oberz, Echo Music Group signed singer drops his official debut single “Champion”.
Oberz whose real name is Oni Olayinka, is a very talented and unique songwriter, singer with varying style of music, all infused with African flavour!
He signed for his current label, Echo Music Group months back and ever since been busy working on the right sound for the highly demanding and teeming music fans nationwide, and of all his works, he will be officially announcing himself on the Nigerian music scene with “Champion”.
The song “Champion”, is a number produced by “Xtra Sound” and is song that every lover of good music out there will fan in love with at first listen. The song is one song that infuses contemporary African sounds with urban sounds churning out a perfect song that lovers of the Pop, Afro-pop and RnB genres will love instantly.
Enough said, go cop “Champion” and have your mind blown.

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